Veritas Christi Hybrid Academy

About Us

Please follow links under the “About Us” heading to the left to find more information.


Offering structured education, cultivating gifts to build God’s Kingdom, and fostering a passion for truth and appreciation of beauty that leads

to a strong sense of personal responsibility, critical thinking, creativity, charity, and autonomy in our future leaders. We start by asking what it means to be a Christian adult, joining the Father in building His Kingdom, and work toward preparing youth for agile, respectful, thoughtful Christian leadership. We learn to recognize our moment in history and respond to God's call here and now with what we have.


Hybrid homeschooling provides excellent education with a classical approach, reading original works and engaging in Socratic-style discussion. Students learn to engage in critical thinking: understanding authors’ world views, formulating their own beliefs on a topic, articulating them, defending them with sounds arguments, and understanding their audience well enough to choose what to share and how in order to move hearts and minds impactfully. We develop an understanding of truth and our hearers so that we may express it charitably and effectively. Scientific studies provide hands-on labs, research, and pursuit of truth. Structured classrooms, homework assignments, testing, and accountability for timeliness in turning in assignments help prepare students for further education. Parental involvement in their child’s education is fundamental to equip students with skills to succeed in their learning.


We recognize that God is the giver of all good gifts and is the ultimate truth. At Veritas Christi Hybrid Academy, faculty and parents join the Father in cultivating gifts and God’s own Spirit in our students. We prepare students to effectively influence the world around them, as we help them discover what God is doing in the world around them, and develop the skills to listen, discern, and then articulate in ways that enable them to most effectively and charitably influence those around them. We’re not just about watching; we are about hands-on doing.

Starting a school: joining the Father in building His kingdom

Veritas Christi Hybrid Academy is something God our Father has gotten off to a great start over the last few years, as evidenced by solid academic and character impact, and by how charitably we work together as the Body of Christ. We are called to join Him in this work. He is the one who is bringing this together, moving hearts, making it possible. We invite you to join us in this exciting work of His, to continue building His kingdom in the Rockford Area!